Growing through competition

Being at the top of one’s profession does not mean that you have no more room to grow and learn. You have to continually look for new ways to challenge yourself and find ways to apply what you learn through that challenge to your craft. For photographers, competitions are a really good way to push yourself to become better. Competing shows you how your art stacks up against others in your field.

The Professional Photographers of America (PPA) hosts competitions designed to help photographers improve their skills; these competitions are conducted at a variety of levels; from affiliate associations to regional level, and the International Photographic Competition (IPC)

In addition to being a member of the PPA, I am a member of the Northern Virginia Professional Photographers Association – a group of professional photographers in the Northern Virginia area aspiring to become a PPA affiliate. 

The NVPPA is gearing up for its next competition on June 18. This competition is designed and timed to assist its members, many of whom are members of PPA, to evaluate and prepare their images submissions for entry into the IPC. I am looking forward to this opportunity, and I am sure that no matter the outcome, I will gain valuable feedback from a panel of outstanding judges that will help me become better at my craft.

“A photograph is usually looked at- seldom looked into.” ― Ansel Adams

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